Thursday, May 1, 2008

a tidy disappearing act

for most people, less the few that either live with me, live near me or work with me, that's what it's been. poof. not into thin air, thankfully.

so things have been going on, despite the lack of visual evidence. for one, the decision's out. to UCL we, or rather just I, will go. let's try that in french. À Londre j'irai. heh aside from the ucl decision, i will return to L'Alliance Française on monday and see if i actually passed that horrendously pulled-off test last friday. merci to alvin (oh, i didn't introduce him? ah yes, i didn't. obviously. Alvin Natanael Kumarga or something like that. bizarre name, marginally less bizarre than the fact that he looks uncannily like LUCAS LI haha. seriously.) for doing the je suis desolé, mais tu ne me donne pas ton numéro téléphone thingy haha. let's hope we pass and get pascal again for the next class.

let's see, what else. oh yes, the moët hennessy internship. well it's been good working with pierre, celia and fanny. and marie and esther, naturally - thank you for even the opportunity. like they say, it's not WHAT you know but WHO you know that counts in this (i hesitate to say "brave" but well) brave new world. many flutes of champagne have gone down, well appreciated I must add. the maisons will be proud if they knew. i hope.

and for the guys, well, let's just say the thing that i finally realized moved my decision to the many other opportunities (seriously, be fair! we had a good one, but there're others that're equally good, if not better. really.) was chester's story about the man who wanted god to save him in the most bizarre and obvious manner. let's just say i take the opportunities that come by as they come by - certainly ain't hoping to strike toto or something by virtue of a ticket i find on the bus. plus, in jason's words - long term, no? i'll cya guys, maybe not so soon again, but certainly in the future. don't commit me to anything, for goodness' sake.

alors. that seems to be most of it. seriously, you can't expect me to write a post just for the sole purpose of telling people what i've been up to right. i came here with a purpose heh. i need the experiences of previous batches of london bound individuals - packing lists, if you still have them, envoyez-les-moi, s'il vous plait. as with the other important and essential information you may have. in fact, either important OR essential. I know i've been playing the "yea, it's important, but it sure ain't essential" phrase a little too often for my own good, but this time, it's OR. mathematically, anything that touches those 2 categories.

c'est tout. simple, non? :) merci beaucoup! il me semble que ce n'est pas très facile.. mais.. :s

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