Friday, June 20, 2008

Belvedere BEAT

it's the last day of belvedere BEAT - after many bottles of pure, cytrus and pomerancza, several others topped with moet or VC.

the impending inactivity disturbs me - the month has been great, couldn't have asked for a better month of june. working on BEAT has also left me with superb memories of the people I work with: in no order of preference, Marie and Esther, Pierre (bien sur que oui!), Sam, jeremy, cherine and kelvin, dorothy and sebastian from creative forte, amanda and cassh from attica, eugene lim (yes.. arrete) from indochine, jeffrey, shahmil and umm from china one.

oh and how can anyone forget the St. Pierre Experience? The food was great, admittedly, although before and after wasn't exactly comforting.

well it's monday soon, and hopefully, not a day spent sitting waiting for an email or two to come in so i can have something to do. much rather study for french test on friday - mention tres bien, please.. how bad can my conjugations get?

pretty bad, actually. study.

Friday, June 13, 2008

La Mer

La mer, qu'on voit danser
le long des golfes clairs
a des reflets d'argent
La mer
des reflets changeant sous la pluie

la mer, au ciel d'été
confond ses blancs moutons
avec les anges si pur
la mer: bergère d'azur, infinie

voyez, près des étangs
ces grands roseaux mouillés

voyez, ces oiseaux blancs
et ces maisons rouillés

la mer, les a bercés
le long des golfes clairs
et d'une chanson d'amour, la mer
a bercé mon coeur pour la vie

Enfin.. heh.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

sometimes, i wonder why i feel so vindicated. especially in recent days when i read the newspapers. guess it's right to listen to people who really know the world and how it works.

le monde, et comment il marche - c'est une grand mystère. mais, quand on écoute de les experiences d'autres, on peut découvrir ce que a raison et ce que a tort. à ces temps, on saura ce qu'on doit faire pour réussir.

c'est ça, non? on doit être d'accord.